Furniture Findings Late breaking news... I just found Manhattan Loft.Com and I think they should just ship me one of everything they have. Especially their chairs any of them all of them - I'll take the Zen platform bed or the Hi-Straight platform bed. There's some mighty attractive stuff at Modern Sofa - Like these.
Beds... when you limit your choice to full size only, you discover that many of the cool designs come in King and Queen only. But I like the back and sides of this one and that little swing table. Don't need that side pillow. I think I kind of like this one from: Merchant Manager.Com I love this chair - I think I'd have to sit in it before I forked over the $ but I love it. Also from Merchant I cannot believe this is nearly $1,000 but it is a great idea... I think I really like this bed, maybe AND it comes in full size! But is it too much bed? too much wood? I like the bench at the end and the little side drawers even though I said I didn't need those. Room and And, what about something like this for the kitchen where the little table is now? Boconcept (This place has a lot of nice dressers and wardrobes...) And for a rather radical departure :) ... I love this chair! West Elm But, then, I also love this one... Also West Elm This one is from Solas and it is kidn of curvy and nice and comes in some fun colors. I have no clue where I got this but they only had queens and kings anyway. Maybe we use it for talking points if we get one made.